Golf Tournament 2024
Deacon Nominations
- Nomination period will run through September 22
- Ballots are available online, at the Welcome Center and in your Life Group rooms.
- Please pray about someone to nominate, fill out a ballot, and place in the box at the Welcome Center or give to your Life Group leader.
The Lord’s Supper
Observance of The Lord’s Supper
September 29 :: 9:00am & 10:30am :: Alex. Campus
On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus shared a last supper with His disciples (Matthew 26:17-30). It was an intimate moment in which He taught them again about salvation.
We believe that the Lord’s Supper is a symbol. The elements of bread and juice symbolize the broken body and shed blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins.
The Lord’s Supper is to be observed by those who have personally confessed and repented of their sins and have turned to Jesus as their personal Savior and only means of salvation. If you know Jesus as your Savior, you are invited to participate whether you are a member of the Calvary Church Family or not.
The purpose of the Lord’s Supper is to help us remember Christ and what He did for our salvation until He comes again.
(1 Corinthians 11:23-29). We encourage you to use this time for reflection and meditation.
Our prayer is that each person will leave the service with a renewed sense of appreciation for what Jesus did for us and a renewed commitment to follow Him more fully in every area of our lives.
Cultivate: Senior Adult VBS
September 23-25 :: 8:00am – Noon
Vacation Bible School for members of the senior adult community featuring music, bible study, crafts, and more! This is a free event for anyone 55 and older. Breakfast and lunch will be served daily. If you didn’t register, thats okay! You can just show up and join us in all the fun!
Discover Calvary
Sunday, September 29
Alexandria Campus :: 1:00pm :: Calvary Hall
The place for those wanting to discover more about the ministries of Calvary and those who want to become members Come discover your place at Calvary!
Alexandria Contact: Jonathon Murphy,
Ignite 2024- Women’s Event
In August, hundreds of women from across Cenla came together at our church for Ignite 2024. The ladies worshipped the Lord, reflected on who He is and what He has done, and found inspiration to keep Christ first and move forward in their lives. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our leadership team for organizing another amazing event, and to Calvary for continually providing opportunities like these for spiritual renewal and growth.
Calendar Reminders
Night of Worship
Middle School Camp Recap
Middle School Summer Camp 2024 was absolutely unforgettable!We had an incredible time together, from the amazing songs and worship to the powerful messages that spoke right to our hearts. We dove into the book of Acts and were challenged to reflect on the theme of PROCLAIM, asking ourselves, “What does your life proclaim? Is it Jesus or your own actions?”
We’re celebrating because at least 10 students accepted Christ as their Savior! Plus, many others have decided to take the next step through baptism! Thank you, church, for providing experiences like these for our students. God is moving in amazing ways!
Prayer Service
August 14 :: 6:00pm :: Alexandria Campus
Our church familyis invited to come together for a night of prayer for our families, church, and community.
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